The one thing women in business are looking for:
THE number 1 thing women in business (especially those who are solopreneurs or have small businesses) are looking for is the ANSWER.
It may be all the time or come and go depending on the challenge or problem but generally we think:
“Can someone please just tell me what what the answer is”
“Can you someone please just tell me what to do”
You want to guarantee your results.
You want certainty that all this action will have the desired effects and give you the results you want.
You want to know that the way you are marketing is actually going to lead to sales.
And the not knowing leads to overwhelm and anxiety and our energy being in lack or desperation. We get graspy, hustling or do nothing.
We go everywhere and nowhere.
We buy lots of possible solutions from someone with a sales pitch that may be selling us “the one thing you need”.
There is no one answer. Your business is unique. Your way of working is different to mine. Your capacity is different. What you sell is different. Your dream is different.
It has to fit you.
And your answer is in utilising
- business fundamentals
- a plan you can work too
- learning through action
- being in your true power and harnessing that
- trusting yourself
- taking consistent action
- working on your mindset daily
- working on your energy daily
You create your own answer.
You show up and guarantee yourself and that you will work it out.
You are the answer. But you may need the support to pull it out of you. To get clear, confident and consistent.
If you are lost in the woods of creating, running and growing a thriving business that works for you and your life then get in touch. We start with clarity, then make a plan and then weekly customised support to help you make it yours through all the ups and downs.