
The decision and then practice of intentionally creating your own life is not an easy one to make. There are many variables and complexities especially as a mum who is pushed and pulled into being and doing for others. But, it can also be rather simple.

I knew what I didn’t want. And then I had to take the time to experiment and get curious with what I really, deeply wanted for my life. And I am still in an experimenting phase. Simplifying, slowing down and connecting to the seasons and how I want to live even more.

I am on a mission to follow the joy and find what feels good. In my business coaching women to find their unique sweet spot between entrepreneurship, motherhood, and their own passions and dreams this is what I also focus on. Not just business. One that works with our life and energy cycles. Finding our own way.

Now that I am in my mid-40’s (eek) with two nearly teenagers I know more about myself than I ever did. What I really want. What the Big Dream is. How I want to make my life meaningful. But, I am also a creative - there is photography, sewing, baking, preserving, crafting, writing on Substack, growing good food and lots of walks in my home town of Queenstown, New Zealand. It’s a full life - but I wouldn’t want it any other way.