Effective marketing for time precious Mum Entrepreneurs
“I can’t do it all” or “There isn’t enough time” or “When I do sit down my mind goes blank and I have no idea what to say” or “What if it isn’t right?” or “I always get interrupted.”
This is what I hear from my clients all the time when they first come to me. There is so much going on day-to-day for mum entrepreneurs that the reality often is that marketing takes a back seat. It’s the last thing on the list. But it needs to be the first thing some weeks so that you can continue to bring in the cash flow. But here's the truth: in order to build momentum (also so it runs smoothly in the background) you don’t need to spend hours and hours or jump on the latest trends or have a complex strategy and funnel. Ugh no way. I don’t want to waste my time with that? Do you?
Why your marketing feels overwhelming:
Okay, before I get to the tips and what-to-do’s let’s audit this (clarity is my preferred first step). Here’s what might be happening:
You aim for consistent posting but keep getting distracted by shiny new things, interrupted by life things or stumped by what to say so it stays inconsistent
You change your framework (strategy) every time you see some new trend, algorithm update or hack leading to a convoluted or shallow or confusing content.
You spend hours of your time in canva or making reels for content that doesn’t build like, know, trust or bring in sales - hello no engagement!
You feel exhausted thinking about it all the time - what iffing, could do, should do thinking.
And on top of that you feel like you are not doing “enough” which leaves you feeling guilty and also wondering how will you get it done and stay consistent.
you constantly doubt yourself, what you say, when and how.
Any of this sound like your daily marketing frustrations?
Let’s reframe this - traditional corporatised/big business marketing does not work for mum entrepreneurs
I see this all the time in my feed. Those “in the know” offer advice such as “wake up earlier to get in the flow” (5am wake up when you’ve had no sleep from kids being up all night - ugh no (unless you use it nourish and nurture yourself like a client I have who does weight lifting)) or “just batch content” (which works sometimes if you can keep the process going (see my note on this below)) or “post every single day to see growth in your business” (ugh, also not a good use of time especially if it takes and hour each day to do it).
Or create this huge plan that you never follow because you lose focus and it doesn’t work implementing it day-to-day.
This advice completely ignores what it is like for us mums every single day:
• Our schedules are not routine - we can have sick kids, school events, after school events, random life stuff we inevitably take care of.
• We’re tired. Our energy is also precious but often we start our Mondays or any morning already depleted from broken sleep. And our brains are full - there is so much we think about, plan, process and keep on top of (new shoes, reply to customers, emails from school, hair cuts, food prep etc).
• Our work is often in short bursts before it is interrupted
• Our priorities shift every single day depending on what is going on
*And many do their marketing late at night once the kids have gone to bed which annoys them because thats “me” time - right?
Here’s my simple framework for marketing momentum for busy mums
Firstly can I please state a few very important mantras that I live by and teach my clients:
Keep it simple. A simple strategy that allows you to build slowly is much more effective than a complicated one that leaves you frazzled, burnt out and in deep overwhelm.
Wobbly Balance - This term came from Brooke McAlary the author of Slow which I love and that although we strive for balance each day often it is wobbly. We might have one day where, unplanned, a child is home sick and so our day is ‘blown out of the water’ (my term!) and little focussed work gets done but two days later we play catch up.
Long game - marketing momentum is built over the long term not and built with layering all the pieces.
Be okay with experimentation - pick a system and trial it for a few months and then try something else if it doesn’t work - that’s okay.
Okay here’s the framework:
What are your Essential Marketing Actions (as it relates to your business revenue strategy)?
Stick with ONE main marketing channel plus your newsletter (and then build up eg Instagram or Linked In or Tik Tok plus your freebie / newsletter)
Choose 3-5 pillars that align with your business, brand, skills, expertise
Create ONE defined action step - what do you want people to do once they have watched the reel or read the blog post.
2. Create A Simple Marketing Plan (that works with your lifestyle)
What are the activities you have to do i.e. non-negotiables (based on where does your ideal customer or client go to find the solution to their pain/problem).
Set achievable milestones
Create a system that works with interruptions (e.g. use post it notes to develop content plans, use your phone and notes app or something like Notion or Asana to keep track). Be ready for the interruptions too!
3. Make it an easy rinse and repeat system
Create 1-3 templates to use throughout each month (and test how they go)
Keep your tracking metrics simple - and make sure you do track - this is so important.
Focus on progress not perfection. Just do 1% everyday and that adds up. Also people want authenticity not fakery.
*a note on batch content. I think “batching” as a system works if it works for you. [That’s the trick with all of this - it will only work if it works for you]. If batching doesn’t work then experiment with other ways.
But, here is a great way to batch in 30min stints:
Schedule time in your calendar to batch create ideas for the next 4 weeks (note where it will go, what format, and what you are doing (attract, nurture, convert, repeat buy, about you (trust)). 30mins max
Then schedule time in your calendar to write the captions and sort the graphics (this may take longer but don’t over do Canva - keep it simple - 1 hour).
Then schedule time in your calendar to schedule the posts (I use Metricool). 30mins - 1 hour
You can also post on the days you want to (better access to trending audio) but use what you have created.
Then schedule time to review the metrics and data. 30mins
Do this over a course of 2 weeks so you are always in flow and consistent.
Real Results from Real Moms
"Since working with Olivia I am now consistent & calculated in my actions but also accepting that sales and growth take time...practicing patience!" - Kate, Retail owner
Do Something with this blog - your action plan:
1. Monday: Marketing Audit - what is and isn’t working across your marketing
2. Tuesday: Look at your platforms - pick 1-3 and set milestones for each one
3. Wednesday: Create your pillars for content (i.e. themes based off of your brand pillars and client/customer knowledge)
4. Thursday: Create your simple metrics tracker
5. Friday: Create 2 weeks worth of content either today or in batches - you decide.
***Obviously change the days to suit your life and circumstances right now.
A word on mindset
What you think about your marketing and social media will lead to how you feel which dictates your actions. If you are in a constant cycle of not seeing progress even after trying and trying you will be in scarcity mode. “It isn’t working why bother?” etc. So be very conscious of the thoughts that come up as you do this work. We are all not trained to do this (I have a 20 year old Bachelor of Business Management majoring in Marketing and Comms and lots of experience but the marketing is different now) so be kind. This is a new skill to learn as well.