The Yearning

The Yearning - seeds in a vase in the autumn light

The Yearning  - that deep, deep feeling of wanting something else. It's an intense longing that never goes away. 

Can you feel it?

Do you feel it?

Does it speak to you in nudges, clues?

There is a reason you started you own business. A reason you decide to take the leap and go into the new Wilderness. A reason. Do you know what it is?

For most there is this deep yearning to not do life as expected. To be more in control of our minutes, hours and days. To utilise our skills, creativity and brains without a manager questioning. To even rebel against the societal norms.

To just be able to create what we love and make money doing it.

That some of us deeply yearn for quiet. For slow living where we have the time and space to think. To have quiet mornings with good work. We don't get distracted into the noise and hustle culture. To be in the trees or land we love.

We want to connect to our place in the world, the Earth, the dirt and be able to build ritual, community and future-focussed low-impact practices that FEEL GOOD.

We know longer want to be apart of the damaging pro-productivity model of more, more, more or do, do, do or grow, grow, grow. We want to generate an income with soul.

Or we want to be able to spend more quality time with our children and families. We want to be there for them if they are sick (not ask someone else permission to be at home to care for them) or need their well-being supported. We want to be in a space that allows that level of support. We want to be valued for our "output" in it's wholeness not be paid by the hour. We want to live as humans not as machines in a forever intensifying cycle. We want to stop and breathe and be in the beauty of the everyday. To step out and off.

We want to have a business that makes a profit, has a purpose and is part of our lives without the hustle.

So, what is it for you?

What do you yearn for every single day?

I initially set up my business so that I didn't have to have the stress and anxiety of a commute, parking, being somewhere at a certain time of the morning which would then impact on my anxiety to get the kids ready for school and then the anxiety at the other end of the day. Or have those Sunday night anxieties of not wanting to go to work the next day. And thinking "Is this all there is?".

And I know this choice is not available to all but I was sure going to make it happen for me...and I still work on my business to keep that choice. 

And I wanted to have the ability to make my own decisions, do it my way rather than have every piece of work judged or pulled apart or not even used as has happened. 

And I wanted to have the slow life, be able to stop and walk in the garden, bake bread, harvest the apricots off the tree, have a lunch with my husband or just go for a walk. Or shock! not work at all that day because I needed the downtime, the space to think. To really deepen my feminine ways of working - slow, nourishing, calm, gentle, soft , cyclical, work when I want to work - but still focussed and having a plan, building my intuition, to be open and conscious of all the abundance rather than always looking for the next thing. And to trust the long game of the unfolding. 

And I yearn for deep, soulful connections in a world of shallow, quick wins still so focussed on consumption and not community resilience for the future. 

Being able to support women to do the same for themselves and build a sustainable (in both meanings), resilient and unique-to-them business that will allow them to still be at home, with their kids or with flexi hours is just so needed right now. 

The Yearning is strong some days and others I forget and swing too far back into the masculine (trying to think my way through the day!) but the Yearning is my compass - my Southern Cross pointing me in the direction that I need to go. Your Southern Cross will be different.

Take the time to feel it, be okay with it, embrace it and get clarity on what it is saying to you. Sometimes it is a big life decision and others it's a micro business decision.

The Yearning is the key that many of us have been conditioned or learnt to "fill" with consumption and buying but that will never be enough. The Yearning is at our core. She will keep nudging you until you move.

Maybe you want to work less hours but earn more? Maybe you want to get that fab idea off the ground? Maybe you need a way to streamline processes and work smarter? Maybe you just want to have another day off a week? Maybe your just coming back to earning after being a mama but want to do something fulfilling while still being available for your growing babies? Maybe you have a business but it needs a refresh? Maybe you just have a feeling something needs to change?

And that’s where I can come in and help. It can be overwhelming and scary especially when you aren’t sure what even the steps should be once you know your Yearning but once you have a plan you can get on and make it happen. And then you start to grow and evolve and find joy because you are doing that thing that brings butterflies or even just brings a deep breath.

Also - side note - please have a lot of compassion for yourself if you've only just heard it, felt it or become more clear on what it is. Or not even sure. Start where you are. We are all on our own journey.


The New Wilderness