Cultivating the Feminine in Business
Originally written 2023
Right now, in this season of my business I am loving going deeper into a slower more gentle way of business. That means I am making a few changes to my business infrastructure so that there is less width and more depth. I am going back to a website platform that gives me more scope for design and set up the way I like it, researching other ways to build community, and actively pursuing the feminine way of being in business. It also means how I show up energetically each day is different. I want my business to reflect my energy - because that's what people will want to be in tune with.
This looks different for everyone but for me the slow, seasonal, cyclical way of being in business is a way to connect to the energetics of being alive, build more knowing in my intuition, work from a mix of intention and inspiration, build in more space, calm and connection to our Earth and to live with less stress, overwhelm and hustle. I am letting the journey unfolding a little more and trusting that. Stop being so graspy.
I know how to make business work and be successful with the business fundamentals but I don't want to be so heavily in the masculine energetics anymore. I have been there all my life.
I am no longer striving so desperately for more. To be something I am not. To grow in a way that doesn't work with my capacity and to constantly "do" from 9-5 when it's not necessary. I am feeling into what abundance really means and looks like (home dried peppermint for tea, working from home etc) and what inspired/intuitive action looks and feels like (trusting my creative urges).
My word for this year is Freedom. For me that looks like quiet and slow mornings where I can focus on helping my boys to school. Focussing on myself and what is happening in my garden in this season. Then focussing on my private coaching clients because is where the daily goods are - helping women to do what I am doing for me but in a way that they want for them. Building businesses where they thrive. This is gold. This is deeply moving and so lush and lovely. Freedom to spend the day how I want to.
Freedom also means being able to have the time and space to create new practices that involve more ritual, more intuitive trusting in my decision making, connecting to the different seasonal energies, having my hands in the dirt and being okay with the unfolding as the seasons do.
I no longer want to compromise myself or become something else in order to fit into the traditional structures of doing business or a way to be online. I want to have the freedom to be me and in that freedom is where the goods are. I make money being me and it feels good to be aligned to my heart-set in that way. To be unashamedly feminine in how I do business. Giving myself permission to go deeper to the roots of the feminine - wild, earthy, powerful, deep knowing, trusting, not striving to know every single step, being in the woods.
Because forever I have been deeply in the masculine - doing, planning, trying to think my way through a problem (this is great for business basics but not good for all the time) and this leads to energy depletion, anxiety, overwhelm and immense worry. Why is it not working worry.
So, it is time to cultivate my own garden. Live with heart, soul, a depth in my business that can be so lost. There is no hurry. I am exactly where I need to be. To practice it for myself and pass it on. Now, I feel, it's time to work it into our businesses. Businesses that feel so good to be in every single day. They nourish us as well as make money.
Feminine business is joyful, beautiful, ease-ful, works with your natural you, comes from deep within you, is soft, gentle but direct, powerful and full of belief, trust and confidence. It's certainly not passive but just not hustly or always goal focussed or more, more, more focussed. It's also not about gender but energy characteristics.
If this is something that you would love to cultivate in your life and business then get in touch. This is going to be something many of us will need in the coming future.