Must do vs Can do.
MUST DO vs CAN DO - I have taken this from my boys' classroom. Everyday they have two lists - a Must Do's and a Can Do's. They can't get to the Can Do's (more fun) until they have done the Must Do's (less fun but more important).
So, let's work this with everyday business.
What are your MUST DO's each week/day?
What are your CAN DO's each week/day?
ππ€Must Do's are (imho):
1. income generating or to do with cash flow actions e.g. creating, sending and following up on invoices, checking your financials each week, carrying out financial tasks like GST each quarter, paying your bills.
2. Customer/Client focussed actions - nurturing, serving, helping, customer service, communications, support
3. Marketing Pipeline actions but balanced against the other tasks - e.g. promote your offer on socials, send that newsletter, interact in DMs.
4. Metric checking each month against goals
5. Mindset work
6. Making time to build & test a new offer
7. Body-centric actions - that daily walk, hydration etc
8. Quarterly plan check ins and audits
Can Dos' are:
1. Faffing with your website*
2. Faffing with your branding and logos*
3. Checking your email more than 2x per day
4. Scrolling on socials (not part of marketing actions)
5. Coming up with new ideas
6. Graphics
7. Buffering with more learning
- things that wont actually help your business
*ok if part of a bigger strategic plan/vision and done once not every day as a way for your brain to think you are doing "work" that will help.
I want business building to be fun but there are definitely certain more serious must do's to implement and action every week that will help you work ON and IN your business and create leads/sales. And there are a whole lot of other actions that won't (at least in the short term).
What are your Must Do's and Can Do's?